Category Archives: Enews Archives

Enews for March 13, 2008

Mark Your Calendars

March 20 – 34th Annual Orange Police and Fire Awards, noon, Turnip Rose, Orange

March 27 – “Rotary Shares” Area Speech Contest, noon, Turnip Rose, Orange

March 27 – Car Show Planning Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Grand Street Center

April 5 – District Assembly – Beckman Hall, Chapman University 8:00 a.m.

April 16 – Car Show “Bag and Tag” – goodie bag and raffle collection. 5:00 p.m., Grand Street Center

April 17 – Car Show Sponsor VIP Reception – 5:30 p.m., Cask ‘n Cleaver Steakhouse

April 18 – Business Rotarian of the Year – 11:30 a.m., Turnip Rose, 300 S. Flower, Orange

April 20 – 14th Annual Orange Plaza Car Show!

April 26 – Rotarians at Work Day Food Drive

Matt Halchoski Advances to Area Speech Contest

El Modena student Matt Halchoski will represent Orange Sunrise at the area competition set for noon, March 27th, at the Turnip Rose. (This is the regular meeting of Orange Rotary.) Students from Orange and Villa Park will speak on the theme “Rotary Shares”. The winner advances to the District final.

Come out and support Matt as he competes for the area title.

Two New Members Join the Team!

Thomas A. Hood, a financial advisor at Citi Smith Barney, and Keith Oldoerp, an educator in the Irvine Unified School District, will be inducted into membership at our March 27th meeting. Tom is sponsored by Rae Shirer and Keith was introduced by Joe Spiegelberg. Don’t miss this meeting, as we welcome district leaders and our two newest members!

Orange Police and Fire Departments to be Honored

The Rotary Clubs of Orange are proud to host the 34th Annual Orange Police and Fire Awards on March 20, 2008, at the Turnip Rose. Four fire personnel and six police department members will be recognized for their service to the community.

The sold-out event begins at noon. Don’t be late!

(There is no regular club meeting on the 20th, as all members are encouraged to attend the awards event.)

Orange Sunrise Recaptures Elwyn Bowling Title!

For the second straight year, Orange Sunrise Rotary took home the “Rotary Challenge” trophy, winning the division at the annual “Elwyn California Bowl-a-Thon” on March 8th. Orange Sunrise fielded two teams of four this year, and were aided by a cheering section of family and friends. Bowling on the “A” team were John Bouyer, Joe Gozzo, Dennis Kauten & Gena Turner. The team “B” lineup included Theresa Bouyer, Jack Sappington, Rae Shirer and Kelli Colombo.

Gathering for pizza and fun were Joyce Sappington, Bryan and Marcelle Kerl with visiting relatives Ann & Norm, John L. Bouyer and Jason and Tracey Curtis.

Proceeds of the event, which included a silent auction, benefit Elwyn California. Elwyn provides vocational training and job placement for persons with disabilities. For more about Elwyn, click here.

Fourth Annual Business Rotarian of the Year – Nominations Open!

The Business Rotarian of the year will be honored Friday, April 18th, at a luncheon at the Turnip Rose. Project Chair Doug Tipping is accepting nominations for candidates who exemplify the Principals of the Four Way Test. Candidates should be respected in their chosen field, have high ethical standards, and be Rotarians who are active in community and humanitarian service.

For the nomination form, click here.

District Assembly – Something for Everyone!

New members and future club leaders are encouraged to attend the District 5320 Assembly, April 5th, at Chapman University. The Assembly is free to all members. Check-in begins at 7:30 a.m., with the first sessions beginning at 8:00 a.m. In addition to special sessions for incoming officers, there will seminars on membership, the four avenues of service, the Rotary Foundation, and special information for new members.

President-elect Bryan Kerl has made reservations for lunch at the Citrus City Grille in Old Towne, immediately after the Assembly ends at noon. Confirm your planned attendance with Rae Shirer by March 21st.

Do Business with Rotarians!

Advertise in the 2008-2009 District Directory! Deadline for submitting your ad is May 2, 2008. More than 2,000 Rotarians all over Orange County and the best part of Los Angeles County receive these directories.

For the order form, click here. For more information, call Jim DeBoom at the District office, 714-921-1881.

Have Fun, Save Money

Register today for the Rotary International Convention, hitting town (LA) June 15-18. Two reasons to sign up before March 31: our District receives a rebate from registrations prior to that date. But the best reason is that you will save $40!!

Don’t miss the best opportunity you may have to attend an international convention at an affordable price and convenient location! Sign up today at

And Now a Word From Someone Famous

“It’s not just altruism. It’s not a payback. Philanthropy is good for us. It’s in our own best interest. It’s personally rewarding when you see lives change because of an action you take that, though simple for you, means so much to others. You sleep peacefully at night.” Brad Pitt.

Enews for February 12, 2008

Mark Your Calendars

Feb 21 – YMCA Playground Dedication, 5:00 p.m. Grand Street Center

Feb 22 – District 5320 Annual Conference, Hyatt Regency Newport:

12:00 “Rotary 101” Luncheon

2:00P Plenary Sessions

4:00P Hospitality Night

Feb 23 – District 5320 Annual Conference 8 a.m. to 4

Feb 23 – Governor’s Ball 5:30 p.m.

Feb 24 – District Conference Brunch 10:00 a.m.

Feb 28 – Car Show Planning Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Grand Street Center

March 6 – Club Board Meeting, 4:45 p.m., Grand Street Center

March 8 – Elwyn Bowl-a-Thon! 4 to 10 p.m., Fountain Valley Bowl

March 13 – 34th Annual Orange Police and Fire Awards, noon, Turnip Rose, Orange

March 27 – Car Show Planning Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Grand Street Center

No Club Meeting February 21 – But Be There Anyway!

Why? Because we are just too busy! Come early, at 5:00 p.m., to the Grand Street Center for the dedication of the YMCA playground, funded by Orange Sunrise Rotary and local community groups and businesses. The presentation will include the unveiling of the Rotary wheel as a permanent display at the playground. In addition, the Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a mixer at the Grand Street Center that evening from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. So, come and show your club spirit and make some new friends!

District Conference Offers Something for Everyone

Don’t miss the “Rotary 101” Luncheon on Friday, February 22, hosted by the Rotary Club of Long Beach. This unique program introduces the history and service of Rotary’s first 100 years to new members and old.

After lunch, plenary sessions on a variety of topics are offered before the “year’s biggest cocktail party” on Friday night. More than 30 clubs will present “Ports of Call” with food and drink from around the world. Orange Sunrise and Fountain Valley will team up to present the “Port of New Orleans” with some special Mardi Gras flavor. Only $25 registers a Rotarian or guest for all plenary sessions throughout the weekend and the Friday night bash. Not sure if you are already registered? Contact Teri Snyder for details. Registration is open online at

Matt Halchoski Advances to Area Speech Contest

El Modena High School students Matt Halchoski and Kenny Dills competed on January 17th in the club level competition of the annual Rotary District 5320 speech contest. Speaking on this year’s theme, “Rotary Shares”, each student spoke for 3 to 5 minutes in front of an audience of club members, Rotary guests and family. El Modena speech coach Molly Chertock was on hand and, while judges tabulated the results, Molly gave the club an overview of the opportunities for students to improve their speaking skills through school and district programs.

The competition was judged by local Toastmasters Blanche Katz and Frank Adamo. Each student was presented with a scholarship check by President John Bouyer. In the photo, John presents to Matt (right), while Kenny (center) looks on. Winner Matt will advance to the area contest in March and, if successful there, to the District finals in April. Thank you to project chair Tracey Curtis and timer Dolores Marikian for assistance with this year’s event!

Orange High School Attendance Awareness Campaign Brings Surprises!

Graphic design students at Orange High School have launched an innovative campaign to increase student awareness of the need to attend every class, every day. The “Be the Change” campaign is intended to show students that there is a direct connection between attendance figures and money granted to the school for important items like computers and other supplies.

Kicking off with a “post-it” blast, the students spread the message on campus through hundreds of post-its bearing the slogan “Be the Change”. Curiosity grew about the anonymous post-its! The graphics design team has since “gone public” and is promoting attendance in a variety of innovative ways, using blogs, traditional advertising media and more.

The program was presented to Orange Sunrise on January 31st by Ed Hansbury, graphics arts teacher for Orange High School and the Central Orange County ROP. Ed brought along Martin and Brooke, two students actively involved in the campaign. The students are seeking partnerships with Rotary clubs and business people to help with supplies, printing and ideas. If you have something to contribute, contact Teri Snyder for details!

Advertising Opportunities

Get your business out there and tell other Rotarians what you do! Advertise in the upcoming District Directory for Rotary year 2008-2009. Flyers will be available at our next club meeting.

Support the Orange Police and Fire Awards by advertising in the program for the March 13th event. Business card ads are only $25. Give your check and card to Rae Shirer this week to be included in this special program.

Foundation Thought

This week’s Rotary Foundation Thought is about our scholarship programs. Ambassadorial Scholarships is one of the world’s largest privately funded international scholarships programs. Last year, 737 Ambassadorial Scholars from 70 different countries studied and served as ambassadors of goodwill in over 60 countries. The Rotary World Peace Fellow program had 64 Peace Fellows from 27 different countries studying at the seven different Peace Centers. Although the program is still young, we are already seeing our graduates take important positions. One graduate, Arnoldas Pranckevicius is currently serving as the domestic policy advisor to Mr. Valdas Adamkus, President of Lithuania. Another, Richard Gee, is serving as senior legal advisor to the chief electoral officer for Afghanistan. Let’s make sure our local community is aware of our commitment to education and world peace through conflict resolution.

Enews for January 10, 2008

Mark Your Calendars

January 10 – Club Board Meeting – Postponed from an earlier date. Officer nominations, review of financial reports and budgets and preparation of semi-annual report to Rotary International. 4:45 p.m., Grand Street Center.

January 17 – “Rotary Shares” High School Speech Contest – High school students will compete in the annual District 5320 contest. The club winner will advance to the area semi-final. 5:30 p.m., Grand Street Center

January 24 – “Craft Talk” by Rae Shirer – 2008 Laws Affecting Business – Rae will review the California and federal laws taking effect in 2008 including employment and tax law changes.

A New Year, A New Resolve

Orange Sunrise members returned from the holidays in full force for our January 10th meeting. President John Bouyer led a general business meeting and club assembly to review the club’s upcoming “hands on” projects and to take suggestions from the membership for additional projects to be explored. Ideas included an afternoon of reading in local schools for “Read Across America Day”, partnering with other community groups to perform home repairs for senior citizens, sorting and packing items for the Second Harvest Food Bank, and a Sunday night dinner for homeless families at the Grand Street Center.

The club also discussed participating in the Learning for Life “Workability Days” and sponsoring a team again this year for the Elwyn California “Bowl-a-Thon”.

In addition to these “hands on” opportunities for service, members proposed opportunities for community grants including scholarships for members of the Civil Air Patrol cadet program, increasing support for students participating on speech and debate teams, providing temporary canopies for local school facilities and making contributions to improve local parks.

With so many members proposing ideas and sharing their enthusiasm, we will have plenty of opportunities to serve our community! Tune in here for future details.

Register Online for A Weekend of Fun!

Don’t miss the District 5320 annual conference, set for February 22, 2008 at the Hyatt Regency Newport Beach. Following a luncheon and workshops on Friday, the event takes off Friday night with the always fab “Hospitality Night”. Orange Sunrise will join with the Rotary Club of Fountain Valley to co-sponsor a booth celebrating the port of New Orleans, in keeping with the conference theme “Ports of Call”. Saturday’s festivities include workshops on the doings of Rotary, as well as presentations on such topics as chocolate! One low registration fee of $25 gains entry into the Hospitality Night and all workshops. Tickets for luncheons, the Saturday Governor’s Ball and Sunday’s brunch are sold separately. For tickets, head over to the district website,

Sign Up and Save!

The Rotary International Convention comes to Los Angeles in June of 2008. Don’t miss this opportunity to attend an International Convention without the cost of airfare and hotels! 40,000 Rotarians from around the world are expected to attend. Don’t miss the inspiring and educational programs, presented by top speakers from many nations. Visit the House of Friendship and meet Rotarians from across the country and across the globe. Visit the Rotary International website today!

Rotary Foundation Thought

Rotary Foundation Thought is about the Paul Harris Society. The Paul Harris Society is a district-administered recognition for those who elect to personally contribute US$1,000 or more each year to the Annual Programs Fund. Started three years ago by Past District Governor Wayne Cusick in District 5340 in San Diego, USA, societies have now been adopted in more than 80 districts worldwide. Individual districts handle all associated recognition for this program, however, the Trustees recently endorsed the Paul Harris Society, and TRF is developing a standard wearable recognition item. Paul Harris Society contributions are eligible towards Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member, Paul Harris Fellow, Multiple Paul Harris Fellow and Major Donor recognition.

Enews for December 29, 2007

Mark Your Calendars

January 3 – Fireside Chat – Especially for new and prospective members! Bring a guest for this special presentation about the programs and projects of Orange Sunrise! 5:30 p.m., Grand Street Center

January 3 – Car Show Planning Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Grand Street Center

January 10 – Speaker: Stephen Macklin of Noah’s Ark Foster Family Agency. 5:30 p.m., Grand Street Center

January 17 – “Rotary Shares” High School Speech Contest – High school students will compete in the annual District 5320 contest. The club winner will advance to the area semi-final. 5:30 p.m., Grand Street Center

Orange Sunrise Delivers Holiday Baskets

Four local families received gifts of food and goodies on December 21st. Team leaders Joe Colombo and Joe Spiegelberg caravanned to the Second Harvest Food Bank in Tustin to shop for canned veggies, cereals, soups and other prepared foods, as well as fruits and candy. Back at the Grand Street Center, the two were joined by member Teri Snyder and volunteer Joyce Sappington, filling in for member Jack, as the goods were sorted into baskets for each family.

The third shift took over at 5 p.m., as John Bouyer, Jack Sappington and Rae Shirer made the deliveries. Volunteer Vinc Przewlocki assisted with the heavy lifting and search for addresses.

The families were selected by Katie Anderson, Principal of Esplanade Elementary, as those most in need of holiday cheer this year.

Member Joe Spiegelberg on QVC January 3rd!

Joe Spiegelberg, owner of Maude Asbury, which manufactures craft and gift supplies, will be featured on the shopping channel QVC, Thursday, January 3, 2008 at noon, California time.

The company’s line of products include photo albums, scrapbooks and bulletin boards, as we well as fabrics and supplies for the scrapbook hobbyist.

Check your local listings and set that TIVO!

Rotary Float Shares Literacy Day

Once again, Rotary International will be represented with an entry in the Tournament of Roses Parade. The float, funded by the Rotary Districts of the western United States, depicts the magic that reading can bring into our lives. For a message from the President of Rotary International and more info about the float, click here:

Orange Sunrise supports the float every year by contributing $3 for every member in the club to its construction.

2007 Tax Deductions Still Available!

Don’t forget the Rotary Foundation in your year-end tax planning! The Foundation is a qualified 501(c)(3) charity, and your donations can be tax deductible! To make your gift for 2007, click “member access” on the Rotary International website. On the site, you can see your contribution history and make an online donation by credit or debit card. Hurry, before 2008 rolls around!

Sign Up and Save!

The Rotary International Convention comes to Los Angeles in June of 2008. Don’t miss this opportunity to attend an International Convention without the cost of airfare and hotels! 40,000 Rotarians from around the world are expected to attend. Don’t miss the inspiring and educational programs, presented by top speakers from many nations. Visit the House of Friendship and meet Rotarians from across the country and across the globe. Visit the Rotary International website today!

Enews for December 15, 2007

Mark Your Calendars

December 20 – Rotary Foundation Night – Invite a guest to come and hear about the charitable programs of the Rotary Foundation around the world. 5:30 p.m., Grand Street Center

December 20 – Car Show Planning Update, 6:30 p.m., Grand Street Center – All members please attend!

December 21 – Holiday Basket Distribution – Members will shop for six needy families in the morning and pack boxes and baskets for delivery. Shopping is at the Second Harvest Food Bank in Tustin. In the afternoon, teams will deliver the baskets to the selected families. Joe Colombo and Joe Spielgelberg are heading up this project.

December 27 – DARK – HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

January 3 – Fireside Chat – Especially for new and prospective members! Bring a guest for this special presentation about the programs and projects of Orange Sunrise! 5:30 p.m., Grand Street Center

January 3 – Car Show Planning Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Grand Street Center

January 10 – Speaker: Stephen Macklin of Noah’s Ark Foster Family Agency. 5:30 p.m., Grand Street Center

January 17 – “Rotary Shares” High School Speech Contest – High school students will compete in the annual District 5320 contest. The club winner will advance to the area semi-final. 5:30 p.m., Grand Street Center

Fun for the Family at the Holiday Party

Club Service chair Joe Colombo enlisted the help of his entire family to put on a very special holiday celebration for our club in our new home at the Grand Street Center. Members Tracey and Jason Curtis assisted in the planning, bringing in “Behind the Scenes Catering” of Orange. Members, guests and family members dined on beef, chicken florentine, fettucine, vegetables and a variety of dessert choices.

Joe’s daughter Kelli decorated the room, with a Christmas tree, wreath over the fireplace and table centerpieces of pine and silver ornaments.

Joe supervised the gift exchange, where our traditional game of “dirty Santa”, led to many rounds of stealing and negotiating, as well as a lot of laughter.

Thank you to Joe and his family for a wonderful fellowship event!

18 Boxes Headed to Iraq

Members and guests contributed items at our December 13th meeting for the annual “Operation a Bit of Home” supply drive for US troops. Candy, snacks, first aid supplies and hygiene items were packed into priority mail boxes for shipping to “Freedom Rest”, the rest and recreation base in Baghdad, Iraq. In the photo, Kevin Mercer and Bryan Rogers of the Rotary Club of Orange North, and Orange Sunrise members display the results of the drive. District-wide, Rotarians are expected to ship more than 2,000 boxes to our troops this holiday season.

5 Families to Receive Holiday Baskets

Members will gather on Friday, December 21st, to shop for, fill, and deliver holiday food baskets to five families in Orange. The families have been selected by Katie Anderson, principal of Esplanade elementary school, and among the neediest in the school district.

Three teams will work on the project: Shoppers in the a.m. will buy food and supplies at the Second Harvest Food Bank in Tustin and return to the Grand Street center with these items. Other members will be needed at lunchtime to sort and pack the baskets and prepare them for delivery. Finally, delivery teams will leave from the Grand Street Center after 3 p.m. to deliver the goodies to the families.

Co-chairs for this project are Joe Colombo and Joe Spiegelberg. Be sure to let them know what team you will be on!

Car Show Gears Up!

The 14th Annual Orange Plaza Car Show is ready to roll, Sunday, April 20, 2008. Entries forms will be mailed to applicants in early January, with the form also available on our website. All members and volunteers are asked to attend the planning meeting December 20, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. in the Grand Street Center. There is much to do!

Tickets Still Available!

The Rotary International Convention comes to Los Angeles in June of 2008. Don’t miss this opportunity to attend an International Convention without the cost of airfare and hotels! 40,000 Rotarians from around the world are expected to attend. Don’t miss the inspiring and educational programs, presented by top speakers from many nations. Visit the House of Friendship and meet Rotarians from across the country and across the globe. Visit the Rotary International website today!

Rotary Foundation Thought


This week’s Rotary Foundation Thought is about the Haiti Safe Water Plus project. Coordinated by District 5950 leaders in Minnesota, it has become a multi-million dollar, centerpiece world community service project that exemplifies the powerful impact that Rotarians can have in the world. Fresh water wells and sanitation facilities are being constructed in the central plateau area of Haiti and the Dominican Republic. This project will provide key sanitation needs to over 141 villages in these areas. A local Dominican woman remarked to a visiting Rotarian who was inspecting one of the newly operational wells, “After Rotary drilled the well,” she said, “the children stopped dying.” Contributions to the Annual Programs Fund help make these projects possible.