Enews for February 12, 2008

Mark Your Calendars

Feb 21 – YMCA Playground Dedication, 5:00 p.m. Grand Street Center

Feb 22 – District 5320 Annual Conference, Hyatt Regency Newport:

12:00 “Rotary 101” Luncheon

2:00P Plenary Sessions

4:00P Hospitality Night

Feb 23 – District 5320 Annual Conference 8 a.m. to 4

Feb 23 – Governor’s Ball 5:30 p.m.

Feb 24 – District Conference Brunch 10:00 a.m.

Feb 28 – Car Show Planning Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Grand Street Center

March 6 – Club Board Meeting, 4:45 p.m., Grand Street Center

March 8 – Elwyn Bowl-a-Thon! 4 to 10 p.m., Fountain Valley Bowl

March 13 – 34th Annual Orange Police and Fire Awards, noon, Turnip Rose, Orange

March 27 – Car Show Planning Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Grand Street Center

No Club Meeting February 21 – But Be There Anyway!

Why? Because we are just too busy! Come early, at 5:00 p.m., to the Grand Street Center for the dedication of the YMCA playground, funded by Orange Sunrise Rotary and local community groups and businesses. The presentation will include the unveiling of the Rotary wheel as a permanent display at the playground. In addition, the Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a mixer at the Grand Street Center that evening from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. So, come and show your club spirit and make some new friends!

District Conference Offers Something for Everyone

Don’t miss the “Rotary 101” Luncheon on Friday, February 22, hosted by the Rotary Club of Long Beach. This unique program introduces the history and service of Rotary’s first 100 years to new members and old.

After lunch, plenary sessions on a variety of topics are offered before the “year’s biggest cocktail party” on Friday night. More than 30 clubs will present “Ports of Call” with food and drink from around the world. Orange Sunrise and Fountain Valley will team up to present the “Port of New Orleans” with some special Mardi Gras flavor. Only $25 registers a Rotarian or guest for all plenary sessions throughout the weekend and the Friday night bash. Not sure if you are already registered? Contact Teri Snyder for details. Registration is open online at www.Rotary5320.org.

Matt Halchoski Advances to Area Speech Contest

El Modena High School students Matt Halchoski and Kenny Dills competed on January 17th in the club level competition of the annual Rotary District 5320 speech contest. Speaking on this year’s theme, “Rotary Shares”, each student spoke for 3 to 5 minutes in front of an audience of club members, Rotary guests and family. El Modena speech coach Molly Chertock was on hand and, while judges tabulated the results, Molly gave the club an overview of the opportunities for students to improve their speaking skills through school and district programs.

The competition was judged by local Toastmasters Blanche Katz and Frank Adamo. Each student was presented with a scholarship check by President John Bouyer. In the photo, John presents to Matt (right), while Kenny (center) looks on. Winner Matt will advance to the area contest in March and, if successful there, to the District finals in April. Thank you to project chair Tracey Curtis and timer Dolores Marikian for assistance with this year’s event!

Orange High School Attendance Awareness Campaign Brings Surprises!

Graphic design students at Orange High School have launched an innovative campaign to increase student awareness of the need to attend every class, every day. The “Be the Change” campaign is intended to show students that there is a direct connection between attendance figures and money granted to the school for important items like computers and other supplies.

Kicking off with a “post-it” blast, the students spread the message on campus through hundreds of post-its bearing the slogan “Be the Change”. Curiosity grew about the anonymous post-its! The graphics design team has since “gone public” and is promoting attendance in a variety of innovative ways, using blogs, traditional advertising media and more.

The program was presented to Orange Sunrise on January 31st by Ed Hansbury, graphics arts teacher for Orange High School and the Central Orange County ROP. Ed brought along Martin and Brooke, two students actively involved in the campaign. The students are seeking partnerships with Rotary clubs and business people to help with supplies, printing and ideas. If you have something to contribute, contact Teri Snyder for details!

Advertising Opportunities

Get your business out there and tell other Rotarians what you do! Advertise in the upcoming District Directory for Rotary year 2008-2009. Flyers will be available at our next club meeting.

Support the Orange Police and Fire Awards by advertising in the program for the March 13th event. Business card ads are only $25. Give your check and card to Rae Shirer this week to be included in this special program.

Foundation Thought

This week’s Rotary Foundation Thought is about our scholarship programs. Ambassadorial Scholarships is one of the world’s largest privately funded international scholarships programs. Last year, 737 Ambassadorial Scholars from 70 different countries studied and served as ambassadors of goodwill in over 60 countries. The Rotary World Peace Fellow program had 64 Peace Fellows from 27 different countries studying at the seven different Peace Centers. Although the program is still young, we are already seeing our graduates take important positions. One graduate, Arnoldas Pranckevicius is currently serving as the domestic policy advisor to Mr. Valdas Adamkus, President of Lithuania. Another, Richard Gee, is serving as senior legal advisor to the chief electoral officer for Afghanistan. Let’s make sure our local community is aware of our commitment to education and world peace through conflict resolution.