About Rotary

Sunset for Sunrise?

Orange Plaza Rotary met at breakfast for its first 20 years as Orange Sunrise Rotary. One day in 2006, we looked around and saw that we had many young members who were raising small children. Five babies were born into our “family of Rotary” in five years. For these young members, it was tough to get up and get the kids ready for school and then get to a breakfast Rotary meeting. So we switched it up. Now our members come to our meeting right after work, have some refreshments, hang with friends and hear an interesting program. At 6:30 we are out the door, headed home for dinner with our families. We changed our meeting time, we changed our location and we changed our name.  But we’ll always keep doing what we do, serving our community and working for world peace. After all, “It’s Always Sunrise Somewhere”.