Teri Snyder Receives Cliff Dochterman Award

District Governor Rae Shirer and Fullerton Sunrise Rotarian Howard Dutra, IFSR Representative (International Fellowship of Scouting and Rotary) presented Teri Snyder and Dennis Knox with the Cliff Dochterman Award at the annual “Spurgeon Awards” luncheon on November 8th.. The Cliff Dochterman award honors Rotarians who are active with Boy Scouting or Exploring. Both awardees serve on the Orange County Exploring Advisory Committee.

Snyder, TTeri, nominated by Governor Rae on behalf of Orange Sunrise Rotary, has been a Rotarian since 1999 and served as club President in 2003-2004. She has spearheaded literacy efforts for her club and the District, served as Vocational Service Chair at the District level and is currently serving as an Assistant Governor.

Teri was Administrator for Vocational Education, the Regional Occupational Program (ROP) and Adult Education in the Orange Unified School District. It was through her role with ROP that she first began working with the Exploring program in 2003. Following her retirement from education, she continued her involvement with Exploring because she saw the impact that the program has on students. For the past two years, she has been Vice Chair of Membership. In this capacity, Teri has focused on starting new explorer posts through collaboration with The Outdoor Education Center (Environmental Careers), The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (Future Business Leaders and Technology Careers) and local hospitals (Medical Careers).

Knox, DDennis Knox, nominated by the Rotary Club of Anaheim, has been a Rotarian for over 23 years. He has served in clubs in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona and most presently in Anaheim, California. He was just nominated by his club for the Business Rotarian of the year award.

Dennis has been a Chief Executive Officer at several hospitals during the past 25 years. He has chartered Medical Explorer Posts at hospitals in the past during his career. Most recently, as CEO of Western Medical Center Anaheim, he challenged his Senior Executive Team and Medical Staff to charter Medical Explorer Post 178. The post has just launched its second year serving 24 high school students from the greater Anaheim area. Dennis inspires those around him to accept the opportunity to serve our youth with his continued commitment to the Medical Explorer Program. He is currently serving on the Orange County Exploring Committee.

For more information about the Cliff Dochterman award and Rotary’s relationship with scouting, visit the District website.