Enews for December 29, 2007

Mark Your Calendars

January 3 – Fireside Chat – Especially for new and prospective members! Bring a guest for this special presentation about the programs and projects of Orange Sunrise! 5:30 p.m., Grand Street Center

January 3 – Car Show Planning Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Grand Street Center

January 10 – Speaker: Stephen Macklin of Noah’s Ark Foster Family Agency. 5:30 p.m., Grand Street Center

January 17 – “Rotary Shares” High School Speech Contest – High school students will compete in the annual District 5320 contest. The club winner will advance to the area semi-final. 5:30 p.m., Grand Street Center

Orange Sunrise Delivers Holiday Baskets

Four local families received gifts of food and goodies on December 21st. Team leaders Joe Colombo and Joe Spiegelberg caravanned to the Second Harvest Food Bank in Tustin to shop for canned veggies, cereals, soups and other prepared foods, as well as fruits and candy. Back at the Grand Street Center, the two were joined by member Teri Snyder and volunteer Joyce Sappington, filling in for member Jack, as the goods were sorted into baskets for each family.

The third shift took over at 5 p.m., as John Bouyer, Jack Sappington and Rae Shirer made the deliveries. Volunteer Vinc Przewlocki assisted with the heavy lifting and search for addresses.

The families were selected by Katie Anderson, Principal of Esplanade Elementary, as those most in need of holiday cheer this year.

Member Joe Spiegelberg on QVC January 3rd!

Joe Spiegelberg, owner of Maude Asbury, which manufactures craft and gift supplies, will be featured on the shopping channel QVC, Thursday, January 3, 2008 at noon, California time.

The company’s line of products include photo albums, scrapbooks and bulletin boards, as we well as fabrics and supplies for the scrapbook hobbyist.

Check your local listings and set that TIVO!

Rotary Float Shares Literacy Day

Once again, Rotary International will be represented with an entry in the Tournament of Roses Parade. The float, funded by the Rotary Districts of the western United States, depicts the magic that reading can bring into our lives. For a message from the President of Rotary International and more info about the float, click here:


Orange Sunrise supports the float every year by contributing $3 for every member in the club to its construction.

2007 Tax Deductions Still Available!

Don’t forget the Rotary Foundation in your year-end tax planning! The Foundation is a qualified 501(c)(3) charity, and your donations can be tax deductible! To make your gift for 2007, click “member access” on the Rotary International website. On the site, you can see your contribution history and make an online donation by credit or debit card. Hurry, before 2008 rolls around!

Sign Up and Save!

The Rotary International Convention comes to Los Angeles in June of 2008. Don’t miss this opportunity to attend an International Convention without the cost of airfare and hotels! 40,000 Rotarians from around the world are expected to attend. Don’t miss the inspiring and educational programs, presented by top speakers from many nations. Visit the House of Friendship and meet Rotarians from across the country and across the globe. Visit the Rotary International website today!


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