Category Archives: Vocational Service

Custom Wheelchair Ramp Installed

2014 Wheelchair Ramp

Orange Plaza Rotary has a unique specialty: building custom wheelchair ramps for local senior citizens.  Rotarians measure the available space, custom design the ramp, purchase the materials and then build the ramp as a team.

This year, the ramp was built at the home of member Joe Colombo.  The following day, Rotarians installed the sanded and pre-painted ramp for a grateful citizen!

Sue Hayes Honored at Business Leadership Awards

Hayes, Sue



Although Sue was out of town celebrating her birthday with family and friends, the Rotary Club of Orange Plaza marked her service to our community at the Rotary Business Leadership Awards, held October 17th at the Doubletree Hotel.  The event is organized by Rotary District 5320 and allows Rotary clubs to honor Rotarian and community business leaders for their service, vocational leadership and business ethics.  About Sue:

Sue Hayes, Owner and Operator of Showcard Signs in Anaheim, was a member of Orange Plaza Rotary for 5 years.  She has recently joined the rolls of “Honorary” members so that she will have more time to focus on her family and growing brood of grandchildren. But even without active membership, Sue continues to live the 4 Way Test in her personal life and business.  She shares the Rotary philosophy with others, but most particularly the youth she serves in our community.  She is a role model to many, including several years of RYLA family members.  As Sue prepares for retirement, this is an excellent opportunity to recognize her contributions to the community and to Rotary,

As a sign maker, Sue has donated hundreds of hours of staff and personal time designing and producing a variety of signs and placards for Rotary club and Rotary District events.  These professional items are delivered on-time and Rotary is billed only for materials.  (But only after years of urging Sue to bill us something!)  Sue has also opened her shop as a location for Rotary service projects, including the production of more than 2 dozen baby blankets for low-income parents.  With her years of experience working with event planners and large corporate clients, she is often the first one to be called for a contact to get a Rotary event underway.  Sue is always ready to serve, with a smile.

Sue’s easy going nature is reflected in the stability of her team of employees.  Most have worked for Sue for years or even decades.  The team works hard and sometimes very long hours to meet important client deadlines.  They do this because Sue is a natural leader, leading by example, willing to work side-by-side with her team.

Sue demonstrates the same leadership and team skills in a Rotary club setting and in other organizations where she gives her time.  A small club such as Orange Plaza can often become fractious under the stress of implementing an important service project or a huge fundraiser such as the Orange Plaza Car Show.  Sue never loses her cool and always focuses on how the team can get the job done.  She is a calming presence and is always, always concerned with the well-being of others.  With every new greeting, Sue will ask after your family, your pets, your car and sanity.  With Sue, you know you always have a friend in Rotary.

While Sue is easy going, she’s certainly no push over.  As a woman business owner with large corporate contracts throughout Southern California, she must demonstrate the will to get the job done.  Her ethical commitment to keeping her promises also keeps her in business.

In addition to Sue’s many long-term employees, she has maintained long-term customers, including the property managers of the Fashion Island shopping center, by dealing with them fairly and with the ultimate professionalism  There is no greater testimony to the ethical operation of a business than a repeat customer.

As a business owner and leader, Sue applies her skills in serving youth through RYLA and other organizations.  In the past, she has been very active in the Girl Scout organization.  For the past several years, she served as a “Team Assistant” or “Mom” for RYLA families at the District 5320 event.  Because of her compassion, work ethic and communication skills, Sue is still in touch with many of her RYLA “kids”.

Sue has applied her leadership and skills to assisting the disabled clients of Elwyn California.   She has been a regular attendee of Elwyn events, volunteering at picnics, bowl-a-thons and other activities.  Her open friendly attitude makes it easy for these clients to enjoy her company and even a rousing game of Bingo!

Thank you Sue Hayes, Community Leader!


Orange Plaza Rotary Announces Mentor Meals Plus – Year 2!

Orange Plaza Rotary is pleased to announce that it will continue the Mentor Meals Plus program at El Modena High School during the 2014-2015 academic year.  Funding for the program is made possible by a District grant from Rotary District 5320.

The recently completed first year of the Mentor Meals Plus Project partnered Orange Plaza Rotary with the Collaborative Technology Program (CTP) at El Modena High School (Orange, CA) to connect students with business and community mentors. Four Rotary meetings (from October, 2013 through April, 2014) were held at the high school where Rotarians dined with, interacted with, and mentored a group of at-risk high school juniors (26).

Each evening had a focus topic (career decisions, service to others, overcoming obstacles, and ethical decision-making) and included a brief guest speaker presentation. Table assignments matched one Rotarian mentor, one El Modena alumni mentor, and six CTP students. Table discussions were encouraged through ice-breakers and talking points.

Additionally, Orange Plaza Rotarians served as judges for senior (25) end-of-year presentations. Orange Plaza also awarded $1,500 to students committed to furthering their education after high school.

The first meal of the new year will be held in October.  Business and community leaders in the City of Orange are encouraged to attend the orientation and mentor training on September 24th at 5:30 p.m. at Ruby’s Streamliner Lounge in Old Towne Orange.

2014 – 2015 SCHEDULE

  • Mentor Training  –   September 24, 2014
  • Mentor Meal # 1  –  October 15, 2014
  • Mentor Meal # 2  –  November 19, 2014
  • Senior Planning Meal  –  January 28, 2015
  • Mentor Meal # 3  –   February 18, 2015
  • Mentor Meal # 4  –   March 18, 2015
  • Project Debriefing  – TBA

Judging senior projects will be on a sign up basis.  Panels will be scheduled on May 19, 20 & 21 and/or May 26, 27 & 28.

Mentor Meals are held in the library at El Modena High School at 3920 Spring Street from 5:30 to 7:00.


Teri Snyder Receives Cliff Dochterman Award

District Governor Rae Shirer and Fullerton Sunrise Rotarian Howard Dutra, IFSR Representative (International Fellowship of Scouting and Rotary) presented Teri Snyder and Dennis Knox with the Cliff Dochterman Award at the annual “Spurgeon Awards” luncheon on November 8th.. The Cliff Dochterman award honors Rotarians who are active with Boy Scouting or Exploring. Both awardees serve on the Orange County Exploring Advisory Committee.

Snyder, TTeri, nominated by Governor Rae on behalf of Orange Sunrise Rotary, has been a Rotarian since 1999 and served as club President in 2003-2004. She has spearheaded literacy efforts for her club and the District, served as Vocational Service Chair at the District level and is currently serving as an Assistant Governor.

Teri was Administrator for Vocational Education, the Regional Occupational Program (ROP) and Adult Education in the Orange Unified School District. It was through her role with ROP that she first began working with the Exploring program in 2003. Following her retirement from education, she continued her involvement with Exploring because she saw the impact that the program has on students. For the past two years, she has been Vice Chair of Membership. In this capacity, Teri has focused on starting new explorer posts through collaboration with The Outdoor Education Center (Environmental Careers), The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (Future Business Leaders and Technology Careers) and local hospitals (Medical Careers).

Knox, DDennis Knox, nominated by the Rotary Club of Anaheim, has been a Rotarian for over 23 years. He has served in clubs in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona and most presently in Anaheim, California. He was just nominated by his club for the Business Rotarian of the year award.

Dennis has been a Chief Executive Officer at several hospitals during the past 25 years. He has chartered Medical Explorer Posts at hospitals in the past during his career. Most recently, as CEO of Western Medical Center Anaheim, he challenged his Senior Executive Team and Medical Staff to charter Medical Explorer Post 178. The post has just launched its second year serving 24 high school students from the greater Anaheim area. Dennis inspires those around him to accept the opportunity to serve our youth with his continued commitment to the Medical Explorer Program. He is currently serving on the Orange County Exploring Committee.

For more information about the Cliff Dochterman award and Rotary’s relationship with scouting, visit the District website.

OSR Honored by District 5320

Orange Sunrise Rotary dominated the small club category of the awards presented at the Rotary 5320 District Conference Awards received were: Highest Membership Retention ($300 award), Highest Membership increase ($500), 1st place Vocational Service (Working Wardrobes), 1st place Club Service (Car Show), 1st place Community Service (Blessing Bags), 1st place New Generations (backpacks), and 2nd place Club Website.

Youth Service Night

Representatives from Orange Police Explorer Post 266 stopped by to receive our thanks for the fantastic job they do in the community, including helping us with the Orange Plaza Car Show. We also met next year’s board of our super-duper El Modena High School Interact Club. And we heard from our RYLA camp attendees about their great experience and the leadership skills they learned.

What a great meeting!

Youth Service Night!

Working Wardrobes Collected

Working-Wardrobes-1-300x225On March 6th, Orange Sunrise Rotary collected “gently used” business and professional clothing to donate to Working Wardrobes of Orange County.  Working Wardrobes ”empowers men, women, young adults and veterans overcoming difficult challenges to confidently enter the workforce and achieve self-sufficiency.” WW “provides career training, job placement assistance and wardrobe services in an environment of dignity and respect.”

The project, initiated by Vocational Service Chair Teri Snyder, involved members, family, friends and neighbors, who donated clothing and helped to sort and pack it for delivery to Working Wardrobes.

School Desks for India


Orange Sunrise Rotary has joined with the Rotary Club of Athani, India, to provide 160 school desks, 5 computers and accessories to six schools in India, including a school for the blind.

The two clubs submitted an application for a matching grant from The Rotary Foundation, which will match funds contributed by the clubs, Rotary District 5320 and Rotary District 5230. Total project funds of $11,798 will be administered by the Rotary Club of Athani to assure that each school receives these greatly needed desks and computers.