An Ohana Kind of Day
Hawaiians use the term “Ohana” to describe an extended family and the feeling of belonging. When we bowl for the special clients of Elwyn California, we know that feeling! Since […]
Hawaiians use the term “Ohana” to describe an extended family and the feeling of belonging. When we bowl for the special clients of Elwyn California, we know that feeling! Since […]
Orange Plaza Rotary members and their families enjoyed mingling with thousands of ghost, ghouls and goblins (and a fair number of Disney princesses) at the annual City of Orange “Treats
It seems that summer is hanging on with a vengeance, but we partied anyway! Members brought their families to Rae’s home in Costa Mesa for a backyard barbeque, great conversation
Orange Plaza Rotarian (and Past District Governor) Rae Shirer receives her Paul Harris +5 pin for her support of The Rotary Foundation. The pin represents total donations of $6,000 for the
Once a month, Orange Sunrise Rotary meets at a local restaurant for friendship and good food. On February 26th, we enjoyed fellowship with our visitor, Stephen Wik, from the Cranbrook
Orange Sunrise Rotarians root out the murderer in their midst, July 31, 2013. Club President Amy assigned members with roles to play in a drama designed to test logic skills
Orange Sunrise held a surprise baby shower for Tracey and Jason Curtis on April 24, 2013. The event was carefully disguised as a post-car show review meeting. After cake and
Orange Sunrise Rotary continues its support for Elwyn California, which provides vocational training and job placement for the disabled. In September, members assisted with the annual Elwyn California picnic, serving hot