Mark Your Calendars
July 19 – Familia Corazon Build Day in Mexico
July 24 – Car Show Planning Meeting
July 30 – Reading by 9 at the OC Fair
August 30 – Rotary Day with the Angels!
Bryan Kerl Heads Up New Team
Bryan H. Kerl was sworn in as President of Orange Sunrise for the 2008-2009 year at a celebratory brunch on July 13th. Bryan, a fourth-generation printer and owner of “Presstime” in Anaheim, takes over from retiring president, John Bouyer.
Bryan served the club last year as Membership Chair, bringing in a record 7 members–the highest figure since the club’s charter in 1985. Bryan vows to be the “Membership President” and will continue to focus on recruiting young, “hands on” members into Rotary.
Serving with Bryan will be: Tracey Curtis (Club Service), Teri Snyder (Vocational Service), Joe Colombo (Community Service) and John Bouyer (International Service). Each of these new committee chairs received a new pin during the transition ceremonies. Also inducted was Joe Spiegelberg, the new chair of the Membership committee. Tom Hood and Randy Holbrook will head up the Program committee. Keith Oldoerp and Shelley Holbrook have been added to the expanded Youth Services Committee.
Rounding out the list of club officers: Treasurer Dolores Marikian and Secretary Rae Shirer (Foundation Chair), join past President Bouyer and President Elect Joe Colombo on the club’s board of directors.
The new, larger leadership team is excited to get started on the many projects planned this Rotary year!
For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow!
Bryan has wasted no time setting an example for the club to follow. District Governor Roger McGonegal inducted Bryan as a Paul Harris Fellow during the July 13th brunch. Bryan contributed over $1,000 during the 2007-2008 year to Rotary Foundation Annual Programs Fund. His contribution allows the Foundation to continue its work worldwide, promoting world peace and understanding. For more about the scholarship programs and the health, hunger and humanity initiatives of the Rotary Foundation, click here.
In the photo, Bryan is presented with the certificate of his induction after receiving the Paul Harris medallion and fellowship pin from Governor McGonegal.
The Governor’s lovely spouse Sheila also attended the event, as well as Bryan’s own wife Marcelle and other members of his family.
International Service Team Heads to Mexico
There’s still time to sign up for our first service project of the year – the Familia Corazon Build Day in Tijuana, Mexico. We will leave Orange at 3:30 a.m., Saturday, July 19th. After meeting up with the caravan in Chula Vista, we will head to the jobsite at dawn. Familia Corazon has built 100’s of one room homes for the impoverished of Mexico. Our team, made of 30 community members from Rotary, the YMCA and other local groups, will build a 16×20 foot home with loft and “bathroom”. Working in small groups, teams will build components of the house and then come together to assemble and paint the finished product. At the end of the day, the completed home will be presented to the family, who also volunteered hours of labor to earn their home.
Extra hands are always needed for a project like this! Contact International Service Chair John Bouyer ASAP if you want to sign up!
Reading by 9 At the OC Fair!
The signature literacy project of District 5320 kicks off at the Orange County Fair on July 30th. From noon to 6 p.m., anyone bringing one new or three “gently used” childrens’ books will receive one free admission to the fair. Typically, more than 20,000 books are collected during this annual one-day event.
Rotarians will man the collection booths and pack books onto pallets. Participating Rotarians also receive admission to the fair as well concert tickets to an event at the Pacific Amphitheater. To sign up and receive your FREE TICKETS, contact Vocational Service Chair Teri Snyder.
Let’s Go Out To The Ballgame!
As we go to press, the Angels of Anaheim are in first place–up by 6 games! So let’s get some discount tickets for the home game against the Texas Rangers on Saturday, August 30th.
The game starts at 6:00, but dozens of District 5320 Rotarians will gather at 3:00 p.m. for a “tailgater” in the parking lot. To get your $20 field level or $17 terrace level tickets, contact Club Service Chair Tracey Curtis today!