Making a Difference in Malawi

UPDATE FROM THE MALAWI PROJECT– DECEMBER 20, 2015 – AFTER REACHING MORE THAN 1 MILLION PILL CONTAINERS THIS PARTICULAR PROGRAM HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. The Malawi Project Board of Directors has turned its attention to (1) famine relief, (2) getting medical supplies, including 30 kidney dialysis machines, to Malawi as well as another shipment of over 500 wheelchairs and, (3) gaining the funds from contributors to build a new birthing center south of the capital city of Lilongwe. Thank you for your support of the pill container program and please continue with us on future projects.

Like all Rotary clubs, Orange Plaza is a part of Rotary International.  This world-wide network of more than 30,000 clubs helps even small groups like ours create successful partnerships and serve the poorest of the poor in developing nations.

One of those partnerships is with the Malawi Project, working to improve lives in that African nation.  The programs of the Malawi Project align well with the six areas of focus of the Rotary Foundation, especially health care, vocational development and education.

The Malawi Project began a simple, successful program to provide prescription pill bottles to hospitals and doctors in the country.  You can help!  Donate your clean, empty bottles* by bringing them to any Orange Plaza Rotary meeting or event.  We will do the rest, shipping them to the Malawi Project for you.

For more information about the Malawi Project, visit their website:

*Be sure to completely remove all labels!  A dip in boiling hot water should loosen them right up.